Ingredients Benefits And Benefits Dragon Fruit for Health review
Dragon fruit is the fruit of several cactus species of the genus Hylocereus and Selenicereus . Most people think of fruit which is considered a blessing coming from China . Perhaps because the dragon fruit is almost always present in any rituals or ceremonies in China . In fact , the fruit originally came from Latin America and then spread to Israel , Australia , China , and other East Asian countries , Sri Lanka, and eventually Southeast Asia .
Hylocereus undatus , whose fruit is red with white flesh .
Hylocereus polyrhizus , whose fruits are pink with red fruit flesh .
Selenicereus megalanthus , with a yellow rind and flesh white .
Hylocereus costaricensis , dragon fruit with a very red fruit color .
Dragon Fruit Ingredients and Benefits
In 100 g of dragon fruit , calories 60 kcal , 0 protein , 53 g carbohydrates 11 , 5 g , 0.71 g fiber , 134.5 mg calcium , phosphorus 87 mg , 0.65 mg of iron , vitamin C 9 , 4 mg , and the amount of water as much as 90 %
Sources of Vitamin C
Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C to boost the immune system . Dragon fruit is dried proved to contain 10 times more vitamin C that the body needs .
Sources of Vitamin B1 ( thiamine )
Other vitamins in the dragon fruit is Vitamin B1 or thiamine . Its function is to process carbohydrates degnan quickly and produce energy for the body
Sources of Vitamin B3 ( niacin )
Dragon fruit is effective in lowering cholesterol because it contains vitamin B3 or niacin in it . This vitamin also can make the skin look smooth and natural radiance from within .
Sources of Vitamin B12
The content of vitamin B12 makes this fruit is a good appetite stimulant . Especially for people who are convalescing , dragon fruit is highly recommended for consumption .
Rich in Fiber
Rich Minerals
The minerals contained in the dragon fruit is phosphorus and calcium . Both have a role in the formation of bones, teeth and cell development.
Content of Antioxidants
The content of Protein
Low Fat
There are many small seeds in dragon fruit . Apparently , this seed is an unsaturated fat that is good for health because it lowers good cholesterol and removes bad cholesterol .
Control blood sugar
For patients with type 2 diabetes, the fruit is best consumed to control blood sugar in order to remain balanced .
Lowering blood pressure
Neutralize Toxins
Good Eye Health
Lose Weight
Are on a diet ? Try entering dragon fruit as a snack daily . Over the next few months, you will see your body looks slim and idealized .
Treating Asthma
Cough and asthma , some respiratory disorder that often affects children and adults . Relieve symptoms with diligent eating dragon fruit .
So, it is the nutritional content of dragon fruit as well as some health benefits. Few tips for those of you who want to buy the dragon fruit to eat , choose dragon fruit is completely ripe . Characteristics when pressed her pink color feels soft and nice and soft fruit skin .